TEXTO2020, created by Kavita Parmar and Marcella Echavarria, was a “mix between Burning Man, a TED Talk and a celebration among good friends” as defined by one of the participants.  The event took place in Mexico City at a house designed by Luis Barragán. TEXTO surpassed all expectations and forecasts and was visited by 5000 people. The program included workshops, talks, a gala dinner, a concert by Julieta Venegas and keynote speech by Vandana Shiva.

The greatest take away were the bonds and friendships that were woven among the participants. As Sanjay Garg from Raw Mango puts it: “what a wonderful time. It is kind of similar to spending summer vacation in your grandparent’s home”. Or as Lee Chinalai, from Chinalai Modern puts is: “TEXTO seems a long way and very close” or Chinar Faroqui from Injiri, “ Texto seems like a dream, a fairy tale”



Indian Souk


Tejiendo México